Incapacitated? Be prepared… A Representation Agreement allows you to appoint the person of your choice to make decisions about your health care. A Power of Attorney authorizes an appointed person(s) to handle your legal and f...
THE PUB BUSINESS The combined effects of the competition from the chain restaurants catering to casual fine dining, the new drinking criteria and the economy have severally affected the pub industry both operationally and i...
There is an old adage, that your company’s most important resource is its employees. Regardless of the product, if you don’t have good employees you can trust, how can you expect your business to operate efficiently and profitably?...
Maximizing LRS Values and Bankability The separation of LRS and LP licenses in December has created great opportunities to maximize LRS values and make them more bankable. It is essential that Third Party Use Agreements as ...
Driving a vehicle is a privilege that most of us take for granted. The law requires that every vehicle on the road be registered and that the owner of the vehicle carry a minimum of $200,000.00 in liability insurance. These days, it is prudent to ...
At Mair Jensen Blair LLP, my colleagues and I are often contacted by individuals that have had the grief of losing a parent compounded by the dismay in finding out that they have been left out of the parent’s Will ( i.e. “disinherited&...
If you have been unfortunate enough to have been involved in an automobile accident and have been injured as a result of the fault of someone else, you need a lawyer. And you need a good one. Make no mistake, with the exception of some medical and...
Do you feel comfortable driving your vehicle after having only one or two beers? If so, then answer this question: What blood alcohol concentration (BAC) is required for the police to impound your vehicle and charge you with impaired driving? ...
Planning for the possibility of incapacity is not on everyone’s list, but it should be. People are living longer and not necessarily in good health. The family demographics of an aging population, fewer children, more divorces and increasing...
A lawyer can play a variety of roles if you are considering buying a small business or starting a new business. Obviously, the process of buying an existing business is the easier process. The role of the lawyer is sometimes confined to the techni...
“In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes” .. and probate fees (?) In BC, when a person passes away, someone must act on behalf of the deceased to administer their estate. That person is either ...
With colder, more unpredictable weather moving in, now it’s even more important for motorists in Kamloops and the B.C. Interior to consider whether they are carrying adequate insurance. If you are an innocent driver or passenger in a motor v...
As one of the largest law firms in the Interior, our lawyers have a broad range of specializations, ensuring that we have the experience to competently and professionally represent you.